Setting the Bar Higher for Inclusion on Campus

We’ve had the good fortune to be on the front lines of the fight to create inclusive learning environments in higher education. But we haven’t been in that fight alone. We’ve had the honor of working alongside a number of schools doing amazing, if sometimes unnoticed, work to improve life in the classroom and on campus for their students. Institutions like Stanford, Northwestern, and California State University-Northridge. And [...]

Inclusion by the Numbers in Foothill College Classrooms

Institutions committed to improving Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion have always faced an interesting challenge. As efforts to promote diversity grow increasingly and measurably successful, the need to create inclusive environments for those diverse populations becomes more acute. How do we even start to measure progress towards that goal? Below is a snapshot of NameCoach usage at Foothill College as students and teachers met each other during the first [...]

2019-08-02T21:34:55+00:00February 22nd, 2018|Belonging, Canvas, Case Study, Foothill College|

Students on NameCoach at Foothill Commencement

The sustaining force for any team bringing a novel idea to life is sincere appreciation from its users. The NameCoach team loved seeing the wonderful feedback from students and faculty at the 2017 Foothill Commencement Ceremony. "Graduation is the highlight of a student's academic career and it was nice to be able to pronounce each student's name with confidence. NameCoach was a simple, easy-to-use tool that took very [...]

2018-04-23T21:13:36+00:00November 1st, 2017|Case Study, Commencement Ceremonies, Foothill College|

Fun with Guest Announcing Names at Foothill College Opening Day

When President Nguyen asked me to announce the names of her new faculty and staff at the Foothill College Opening Day event, I was honored…but also apprehensive. I built the first version of NameCoach after my sister’s name was mangled at her commencement, because I knew that no one mispronounces a name intentionally - this type of thing can just be a tough job, especially given the brilliant [...]