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Yamuna Deva
Pronunciation Notes:
Ya moo na Day va

Origin of Name

Yamuna is a girl's name of Indian descent. It is derived from the Yamuna River, from which it gets its meaning, and is also thought to be connected to the Hindu goddess, Yami.

Meaning of Name

Etymology. The name Yamuna seems to be derived from the Sanskrit word "yama", meaning 'twin', and it may have been applied to the river because it runs parallel to the Ganges

Behind My Name

Why is Yamuna water black? The Vamana Purana narrates the tale how the originally clear waters turned black. Distraught by the death of his wife Sati, Shiva wandered the whole universe. Ever thinking of Sati, Shiva jumped into Yamuna to overcome the sorrow and memories of Sati, turning her waters into black by his sorrow and unfulfilled desire

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