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Paula Gunder
Pronunciation Notes:
PAW + luh GUN + der
Gender pronouns:
she / her / hers / herself

Origin of Name

My last name is an Americanized version of the German surname Günder/Günter. My first name emanates from both my Finnish and German familial roots and is associated with the biblical Saint Paula. It is pronounced differently in those languages.

Meaning of Name

Paula is said to be the feminine form of Paul, which is derived from Paulus, a Roman surname taken from the Latin Paulus, meaning Humble, Small, Petite.

Behind My Name

Throughout my life, my mom, who is Finnish, called me her "Delicate Flower" and told me that was what Paula Ann (my full name) meant. As one of the tallest kids in all of my classes growing up, I never saw myself as "delicate," nor very much of a "flower," but my mom would say that "delicate flower" would manifest differently at various times over the course of my life. She also told me I would be one to always seek out, be able to find, and appreciate the beauty in small things. As usual, she was right - Kiitos, Äiti : )

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